Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Well, trying to at least. I am a subscriber to the listen to the child method. I wait for signs from E, anything and I get psyched when he wants to use the bathroom only to feel miserable when he declines to use one the next time. He teeters back and forth about peeing in the toilet or in his pull-ups. He has done BMs in the toilet, but prefers to do those in his pull-up as well. After having asked him consistently every morning if he wanted to go pee in the toilet and him responding everytime, "No I don't want to" I have decided that I do not want to change his wet diapers anymore. I told E this, that I am tired of changing his pull-ups when he is perfectly capable of using the toilet and if he chooses not to use the toilet I choose not to change pull-ups. I now make him remove his own pants, his own pull-up, he throws it away and puts on a fresh pull-up and redresses himself. I hope this provides the proper motivation while still letting him choose when he is ready to use the toilet full-time. I know that one day I will look back and not remember the days of potty-training but it seems so distant, like that day will never come. Two kids in diapers it alot of diaper changing, and at this point I am taking wagers that A will be toilet trained before E.

Something magical did happen here yesterday. K was home sick and the boys were being especially good. My mom and  I were in the kitchen going over how to bind a quilt, which is easier then most directions make it sound. I turned around and saw this...
The boys playing with the same toy together...

Miracles never cease...

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